Canon EOS 60D

totally have this. wah~ :

bak kata intan : lepas ni kau kene bawak kalau kita pergi mana-mana. xD


yaaayy! my 'maksu' bermurah hati to take me to Korea next year after SPM! its so cool you know. haha. of course, she has many cash in her bank. haha. biasalah. lecturer kan? haha.

Korea! wait for me. i'll come to you next year. just be patient. i know you miss me. xD

&& i'll meet you, SHINEE!

bet you can do it like this

well, i bet you can do it like this. made it by myself. hahaha. menipu je lebih. google sudah. 

cool kan? hehe. belajar lah dari google. xD

what is this?

this is a cute picture that i stole from syaira's tumblr. haha 

takda kerje en? haha. memang pun. :))

salah sangka

sumpah. i thought she was a new artist. and i'm searching 'bout her, and she was an actress. GAHAHAHA! and she actives in 2003. what the fool. hahaha. 

here, some of her pictures:

she's quite pretty. haha. even though i just knew that she's under SM ENTERTAINMENT! ^^

saudara mara

okay. my sedara datang pada hari sabtu. yelah konon nak suprise lah kan tanpa bagitahu kitorang. kononnya. tapi apakan daya, kami kat luar masa tu. nak hantar barang kat rumah ummi. haha. then mereka sampai di rumah masa maghrib itu. kami kat rumah ummi tengah sembang menyembang. haha. balik balik, diorang ada kat luar. haha. dan terpaksa bau bau-an yang agak "menyegarkan" di luar. xD

dan i've got snap my.. not sedara, but my sedara punya anak. tak tau nak panggil apa. 

and taraaaaaa! ini lah dia. budak yang suka bising dan menyakitkan hati aku sikit. haha. dan konon dah reti posing bila orang nak tangkap gambar dia. manelah comel sangat. xD patutnya ada sorang lagi, cuma tak sempat nak tagkap gambar. :D

ingatkan bawak ajim sekali, rupanya tak. xD


haha. tetiba je org ni reply kat aku. haha. but this is true. saja je lah nak trend #ohjustlikeme sebab bosan. haha. dan tetiba saja dapat idea sebegini rupa. then ada orang reply. haha. i think my english getting better. haha. perasan gila. :D


okay. my holiday start today. haha. time is so fast. thats what i'm talking about. and i hope i will enjoy on my holiday. Thank God. you make my dreams come true. booyah! 3rd December and 4th December! me and my friends will make HER jealous. xD


wah. this is the cutest ever. and they performed without jonghyun. i wonder where did he go. oh his leg is hurts. and i think minho will improve his dancing. gaahh! i'm melting with taemin's voice. oh. they're SUPER DUPER MEGA GEGA CUTE! <33

13th Nov Youth K-pop Festival

  • the festival were so AWESOME! and they're not an artists. but they can be an artists someday. :)
  • many Korean people in the hall. and i'm so lucky got met them.
  • okay. i'm so excited got took a picture with a Korean guy and he didn't look at the camera because INTAN snap it quietly. DAEBAK!
  • some of my friends told me that guy was not handsome is what they thought.
  • ehey. i got took picture 2 times with EPSILON! unfortunately, the pictures is at afeeqa and dia tidak masukkan lagi. :(
  • the reason why i don't put my picture with the guy in my blog, because i think you'll say that he is not handsome. mestilah. korang tak tengok face to face. 
that's it. i can write this much only even though there were so many stories. :)

Eric Balfour

aha! you're mine now. 

nobody can take you from me. 

even though you're 33, to me, you're HOT

&& when I saw your face, you make me remember the man I've ever liked.
and lastly,



FIRST : after finished final exam, i'll ask my parents to buy me everything, and STREAMYX is the one. :)

SECOND : me and my friends will sleepover in TAN's house. Can't wait. :)

THIRD : and i'll continue learn korean language. so OH YEAH!

FOURTH :  and of course, i wanna going everywhere on my holiday. :))

FIFTH : my holiday will be soo much fun!


my God! sumpah best do balik kampung hari jumaat tu. i just don't know what we plan actually. my mom told me that dia nak balik kampung buat kenduri apa entah. then, hari sabtu tu pergi gunung. air terjun kot. gila best. waaaaahhhh! me and my cousins pergi naik kat air terjun, our parents kat bawah bawah. diorg tak nmpk kitorg. OMG! rasa nak pergi lagi. that was AWESOME

haha. one of my cousins nak tangkap gambar kita kita, but tak dapat sebab handphone jauh sangat. kami semua kat air terjun atas nun jauh. handphone dijaga oleh parents. haha. kelakar. SUMPAH sejuk do airnye. sampai semua menggigil. tambah tambah lagi dah nak hujan. haha.

sorry. gambar minho definitely takda kene mengena dalam cerita ni. haha. maybe dia punya gerakan kot menunjukkan ada kene mengena sikit. :D


i don't know why i am to obsess with t-ara jiyeon today. because she's pretty. oh tidak. dia sangat lawa. i really adore her. gah. tak tahu nak cakap apa lagi. tak suka lah kalau benda macam ni. oh aaahh! before i forget, i've got a video of jiyeon dancing Pussycat Dolls - Wait a minute. she's sooooo freaking HOT, man! wanna see? here :

even the video is too short, but she's still HOT and PRETTY and ADORABLE!

Girl you are crazy

eeee... apa ni ada glitter glitter ni? hahaha. memang takde kerja. but i added this picture ada sebabnya. sebab aku terlalu banyak post video. haha. tetiba je. mmg la. lately, aku bnyk post video. sometimes, membosankan. haha. asyik video. nak jugak bende lain.

wooaahh! lagi seminggu nak habis exam. kenapa sekolah aku begitu lambat. stupid school. haha. but, my friends and i planned to sleepover at their house. woah! so nice. can't wait. but i must finish my exam first. after, exam.. FREEDOM! haha. sangatlah best. yeah. then pergi times square. apa lagi. cari cd/dvd korea la. dah memang takde bende lain nak pikir.

so that is so cool huh. sumpah tak sabar. my wish will come true. :))


SNSD - Hoot

eh lupa pulak. actually today tgk 3 videos. lupa nak post yg ni. haha. so, SNSD sangat lah best walaupun lagunya macam james bond. haha. SM minat james bond weh. hahha. takda kerja. xD


today, i watched two videos. biasalah. dah berapa hari tak online. so its time to watching everything. ehey! 

2NE1 - It Hurts

this video, sandara was so different and who is the guy in this video? weird but cute. haha. naughty me. dah ada taemin tu cukuplah. mengada nak yang ni. padahal tak kenal pun sapa. so, reject. haha.


JYJ - Ayyy Girl

OMG! yoochun! you were so HOT in this vid. gah. you make me crazy of you. with your pink lips. pink? not pink lah but kemerah-merahan lah i mean. GOSH! hell yeah. i will continue watching 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal'. hell yeah. you're my bias and of course i must watch your drama. :))