
oh c'mon. i'm crazy at him? actually yes. bila tengok dia kat dalam mv soom tu, terasa terpikat sangat kat dia. tak tau kenapa. hahaha. apa salahnye ada banyak bias kan? so, as usual, he's my new bias. HAHAHAHA! XD

Holla vs Hello

cuba bandingkan lagu ni dengan lagu SHINee Hello tu. mana lagi best? mesti ah Hello kan? haha. ingat aku tak tau apa dalam pikiran korang? hahaha. dan tak sabar mv SHINee yang full punya. aww~ :D 



aww beast. you guys are awesome and HOT too. your video like 'booom'. i don't know what to say. but i'm impressive with you guys. keep it up BEAST! and in this video, hyunseung's hair. make me melt at him. aww~ apa-apa pun, BEAST IS THE BEST!

woot woot~

wooooaaahhh! look at them. gila HOT! that's why i like them. haha. and of course, i'm a BIG BIg Big big fan of 4MINUTE! but hyuna terlebih sexy pula. haha. tidak mengapa. saya sangat meminati mereka. :))


i wonder who is he. where is he from? i don't know him. even he was a guest on show of invincible youth yesterday. ooohhh dia. siapa lagi kalau bukan dari kumpulan DAE GUK NAM AH aka DNA. haha. he's cute. and he is like taemin. wooaah. but taemin is better than him. i tell you. and yes, he is my new bias. biasalah. orang baru kenal dia. hahaha. :D


sekarang saya sudah rajin update blog. buat masa ni lah. dan saya perlu belajar juga untuk menghadapi FINAL EXAM pada bulan OKTOBER nanti. tetapi kalau ada peluang, online lah. apa lagi. XD


yeah. its been so long. and your SOOM was so cool. love it :)


i heart you leeteuk. :)

I love you 5

my head was stuck with this song. this is Harith fault. haha. actually, this song is not bad. i like the meaning of this song. :)